Policies & Procedures
The following PDF documents provide the policies and procedures followed by Padworth Parish Council
The following PDF documents provide the policies and procedures followed by Padworth Parish Council
For further information or clarification please contact the clerk by email clerk@padworthparishcouncil.gov.uk
For further information or clarification please contact the clerk by email clerk@padworthparishcouncil.gov.uk
Padworth Standing Orders 13.05.2019.pdf
Standing Orders
Standing Orders
Padworth Code of Conduct 13.05.2019.pdf
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Padworth Complaints Procedure 13.05.2019.pdf
Complaints Procedure
Complaints Procedure
Padworth Financial Regulations 13.05.pdf
Financial Regulations
Financial Regulations
Padowrth PC Emergency Plan Version 05 OCT 2020.pdf
Parish Plan 2010-2020.pdf
PARISH PLAN 2010-2020
PARISH PLAN 2010-2020
Padworth Grants Policy 2021.pdf
Grants Policy
Grants Policy